


Learn to think critically about human thoughts and behaviors, relating biblically sound psychological principles to everyday life and work. 通过塞达维尔的心理学学位, you'll expand your knowledge of social and behavioral sciences through a distinctly Christian worldview, 作为一名毕业生, you'll be fully prepared with knowledge that applies to a variety of fields or to further studies in psychology. A BA in psychology from Cedarville University will equip you well to advance the Kingdom’s cause wherever God leads you.

不管你的职业目标是什么, a psychology-based skillset — especially the understanding of people and human dynamics — is invaluable. Cedarville's psychology minor will teach you practical skills, 包括解决问题, that will deepen your understanding and help you advance in your career.

请求的信息 访问


  • 圣经的世界观

    The Bible is the authority for research and study in every class you'll take.
  • 辅导基督教教师

    You'll be taught by highly-credentialed professors who want you to succeed.
  • 最高安置率

    Our graduates achieve top career and grad school placement rates — 10% above the national average.



圣经 — The motto of the department is “Psychology through a 圣经的世界观.” The lordship of Christ reigns over all subject matters in the academe, 心理学也不例外. 我们作为人类的知识 至高无上地与上帝同在. 在心理学研究中, the truth of our human conditions and aspirations will be framed by the inerrant and infallible words of life in the Scripture.

关系和经验 — A hallmark of our 教育al process is the mentoring relationships we promote in the 心理学系. Faculty, staff, and fellow-students enjoy the fellowship we share as a body of Christ. We engage at a personal and professional level as we prepare students for the next phases of life beyond Cedarville.

全面可定制 — You will choose a concentration from the list of eight below. You will also have enough elective hours to add another concentration or a second minor to customize 一个最适合你职业目标的项目.

  • 成瘾和化学依赖
  • 儿童及家庭研究
  • 全面的咨询
  • 跨文化心理学
  • 健康心理学和公共卫生
  • 神经心理学
  • 心理学研究
  • 职业治疗


Many of our students advance into graduate studies leading to licensure and professional practices as psychologists, 辅导员, 婚姻家庭治疗师, 社会工作者, and other licensing professions traditionally associated with an undergraduate 心理学学位. Other graduates have pursued graduate studies in Christian graduate 学校 and seminaries leading to full-time ministries as biblical 辅导员, 青年部长, 和牧师.

Psychology graduates also find careers in correctional facilities, 基督教组织和机构, 教堂, 学校, 社区行为和精神健康中心, 医院, 社区中心, 社会服务/家庭资源, 零售, 人力资源, 公共关系, 企业/公司, 心理评估诊所, 动物援助中心, 运动心理学, 教育, 任务, 这样的例子不胜枚举.

具体地说, our graduates have found employment upon graduation in business, 刑事司法, 人类服务, 以及医疗/临床设置.

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional 教育, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 93.3% of recent graduates were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


研究及奖学金 — The psychology faculty will work closely with you to identify your areas of interest and guide you through the investigative process . 我们的许多学生在 州和全国会议, 展示了他们对这个领域的知识贡献, and some also see publications in peer-reviewed journals Annual 研究研讨会 held on campus each spring is another great opportunity for our majors to showcase their work.

出国留学 — Our psychology majors successfully participate in a number of exchange programs, from spending a few weeks in summer studies abroad to semester-long studies in places like Ireland, 西班牙, 英格兰, 还有其他国家. There are also short-term 任务 opportunities sponsored by the University and local 教堂 that allow students to serve in 专业及事工设置. Our psychology majors successfully participate in a number of exchange programs, from spending a few weeks in summer studies abroad to semester-long studies in places like Ireland, 西班牙英格兰, 还有其他国家. There are also short-term 任务 opportunities sponsored by the University and local 教堂 that allow students to serve in 专业及事工设置.

服务学习 — All psychology majors will complete at least one internship where they will apply their knowledge in a community service setting. We have connections with agencies in over 40 states and several countries around the world.

Psi Kappa Theta (PKT) -卡帕Theta, 心为上帝的心理学, is our student organization that provides students with opportunities for learning, 社交活动, 参与社区外展.


Building on your core general 教育 and Bible minor courses, you will take core psychology courses as well as courses from your chosen track.

这个专业有a 三年 或四年完成计划.

这个专业提供加速课程 本科's-to-master的途径 专为有意攻读MBA的学生而设.


  • 专业的咨询
  • 心理学与基督教


Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. Discover how you can complete your psychology degree in just three years with the 双录取 三年的途径.



Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 三年的选择
  • 四年







